This is what we recommend for your lawn
- 1 PHASE MARCH/APRIL: Apply pre-emerge for crabgrass, granular fertilizer and trace nutrients.
- 2 PHASE MAY/JUNE: Apply weed control for broadleaf weeds (dandelions), and granular fertilizer and trace nutrients.
- 3 PHASE JUNE/JULY: Apply granular fertilizer with grub/insect control, and spot spraying for weeds.
- 4 PHASE JULY/AUGUST: Apply granular fertilizer with iron and trace nutrients, and spot spray for broadleaf weeds.
- 5 PHASE SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER: Apply fertilizer with trace nutrients, spot spray for broadleaf weeds. (Fall fertilizer).
- 6 PHASE OCTOBER/NOVEMBER: Apply granular fertilizer with winterizer, provides a quick green up in the spring and helps protect againt winter fill.
Our 5 and 6-Step Programs have our lawn guarantee for free spot spraying for weeds including Yellow Nutsedge! Can you say that about your current lawn service? (The only requirement is the home owner must be watering their yard on a regular basis per our directions). We will start applying weed control during the second step.
Hurst Lawn Services, LLC only applies lawn fertilizer and weed control when environmental factors are favorable. We also offer additional applications of fungicide.
Other lawn programs
- 5-STEP PROGRAM: Includes early spring, spring, summer grub control with fertilizer and fall application. (Does not include winter fertilizer application).
- PREVENTATIVE FUNGICIDE PROGRAM: This is a two-step application for lawn fungus control. Read more about our Preventative Fungicide Program.
- CREATE YOUR OWN PROGRAM: Choose from any of the six steps.